Cash For Work And Unconditional Cash Transfer

Project Location: Odweyne and Erigavo District
Reporting Period:  September 2022- April 2023
Donor:  Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO)
Project Objectives: Contribute to protecting community livelihood assets and enhance the community’s capacity to cope with shock through an integrated approach.


Below-average rains across most of Somaliland during The 2021 Deyr, followed by harsh weather conditions during the dry Jilal ( Jan -March 2022) season and the poor performance of the GU ( April-June 2022) rains in April, has led to worsening drought conditions in many parts of the country.

As a result, food security outcomes are expected to further deteriorate between July and Sept 2022, driven by the extensive impacts of the poor performance of GU seasonal rainfall on resource availability and crop and livestock production. Rural people need urgent assistance to purchase and produce food.

Cash transfers offer a vital safety net to families that lost production, assets, and income, and cannot otherwise meet their food needs, providing cash in rural areas not only fights hunger but minimizes displacement and the scale of productive assets that ultimately feed people.

In response to this, The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Somaliland Youth Development And Voluntary Organization (SOYDAVO) are implementing extensive Cash for Work and Unconditional Cash Transfer Programme for Somaliland particularly Odweyne and Erigavo districts of Togdheer and Sanaag regions.

These works are ideally implemented between the months of September 2022 and April 2023. The monthly cash payment rate is equivalent to 100 percent of the food MEB. Households receive a small additional allowance each month to cover additional needs related to individual engagement in cash for work activities.

This project provides households with productive and compensated work opportunities while allowing for the rehabilitation/construction of productive assets and rural infrastructures (contour bands), these are useful in the mitigation of the impact of floods and droughts. Rehabilitation and safeguarding of productive infrastructure through CFW will increase resilience and mitigate the impact of future shocks.

The project reached direct beneficiaries of 1000HH, workers receive a total of 77 USD dollars while UCT receives 70 USD for six months, they also worked by rehabilitating village infrastructures like contour bands in their villages.

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