Story of Khadija

I refuse my daughter to undergo FGM/c.

I am a mother of four girls and five boys, as well as a teacher at a nearby elementary school. I serve on village committees, and we just requested that FGM/GBV issues be added to the curriculum. I’ve discovered that education and information are the keys to having a happy life.

Throughout my work, I’ve seen a lack of organizations that educate young girls about their rights and gender equality. Mariam is one of the women SHGs on 18 May she is a widow with eight children, and her family is financially and child-rearing dependent on her.

She mentioned durability. Somalis are traditional people who would seek to preserve their customs and culture wherever they go to preserve their identity and position in society. While most of these customs are beneficial to social cohesiveness, some have proved detrimental. Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is one such custom.

Mariam is opposed to FGM. For the last four years, she has volunteered to raise FGM awareness, she has reported multiple FGM instances that required emergency care, and she has resolved to prevent and save her daughters.


Amina a young leaders club in Camp – Barwaaqo IDP
Amina is 19 years old girl living in Camp-barware IDP and the project team with the support of village committees selected her as sub club team leader. For the last six months, she reported five SGBV cases and referred them to the project team. Amina received a number of training during project activities and she is one of the volunteer activist advocates for female genital mutilation and all kinds of Gender-based violence at the community level. Amina is currently one of the students enrolled in the toileting class to empower her to inspire her to continue working for her community and take part in project interventions as well.

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